Ordure Removal: (Commercial and Residential)
Price List

Commercial Waste Removal covers the following....
Ordure Stations Set Up
Bag Replacement (Weekly and Monthly Services)
Monthly - ?

Residential: (Cats & Dogs!)
Yard Waste Cleaning ​for Dogs
Cat Litter Change
Residential Removal Services every Thursday, so your yard is ready for the weekend!
Spring Clean Up Only Available
Use our services once a year, once a month or once a week! Have an event happening, give us a call and we would be more than happy to come out to get it ready for your event!

Kong Services:
Kong Order Service (Click Here to add about our Kong Service)
Buy so many and get 2 free OR Add on service
We rotate them?
Must be home
Starter Kit: 3 Kongs $____ (depending on size)
Warning: Allergy Alert (Kongs are prepared in an area where there may be have been in contact with peanuts, wheat, etc..
Do not leave unattended
Let's use removal stickers -

A' La Carte Services:
Kong Order Service (Click Here to add about our Kong Service)
Clean Specific Areas of your Choice
Disinfect Yards
Enzyme Yards
Private Playtime ($12 for 10 minutes to play!) ?

If you are not satisfied for any reason, please call us within 24 hours and we will come back out and make it right! Thank you! ​​​

Is Your Yard a Minefield?!
We can help! We will come to your residence or business and clean up the waste/ordure left behind by dogs and cats!
Set Your Own Schedule
Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or Monthly
No Contract
Cancel Anytime
​​​​​Commercial Services:
Call Now to Schedule a Free Quote!
Residential Services:
Yard Waste: $29.50 (up to 20 minutes)
Cat Litter Change: $29.50
Waste Removal Packages:
10 Day Pass:
20 Day Pass:
30 Day Pass:
Unlimited: NEW!
Kong Service: $5
Catnip Service: ?
​​If we are unable to make it due to inclement weather, we will call you as soon as possible to let you know.
KONG Service things to do:
Buy so many and get 2 free OR Add on service
Warning: Allergy Alert (Kongs are prepared in an area where there may be have been in contact with peanuts, wheat, etc..
Do not leave unattended
If Kong is damaged (We will charge $____ prorated? Meet 1/2 way?
Don't need to have WR to use Kong Service
Add dishwasher to clean inside of kongs, be prepared to clean them easily
Hire someone in the evening OR 1-CL daily ? to fill Kong orders (deliver like newspapers/milk delivery - I'm not sure RC has a milk delivery service, so you may not know about this.
Add Business cards for employees that do WR to attach to invoice with SH stickers
Let's use removal stickers for WR Services
WR Things to do:
Create Form for New Customer w/ rules/conditions
Google Map/Earth - to
Map of house -
Upload video
Take Pictures (Add take photo within form)
iPad's for Walk-thru's - w/ Hardcover for protection!
Kong Treat